Nerd Alert Girls logo with the silhouette of a female superhero with a red cape. Genn (in green gradient) is wearing a Spider-Man jacket. Bridgette (in purple gradient) is holding up an Infinity gauntlet with the stones in different colors. Maddie (in red gradient) is holding up a Captain America shield.
marvel, podcast, TV Show Reviews

What If Thor Was an Only Child?

Thor as a party boy? Loki the Frost Giant? Frigga being an actual mom? Genn and Bridgette actually shipping Thor and Jane? What is going on in the latest episode of What If?! Find out and delve in with your favorite Nerd Alert Girls as we hold our breath for some things and then release… Continue reading What If Thor Was an Only Child?

Nerd Alert Girls logo with the silhouette of a female superhero with a red cape. Genn (in green gradient) is wearing a Spider-Man jacket. Bridgette (in purple gradient) is holding up an Infinity gauntlet with the stones in different colors. Maddie (in red gradient) is holding up a Captain America shield.
marvel, podcast, TV Show Reviews

Loki Episode 5 Review

All the Variants come together for Loki-ception! Bridgette and Genn do their best to make sense of the ball of plot yarn as we envision what we want (Mobius riding into the sunset on a jet ski) and don’t want (the Loki/Sylvie ship sailing) from the finale. In addition, we discuss the surprising emotional depth… Continue reading Loki Episode 5 Review

Nerd Alert Girls logo with the silhouette of a female superhero with a red cape. Genn (in green gradient) is wearing a Spider-Man jacket. Bridgette (in purple gradient) is holding up an Infinity gauntlet with the stones in different colors. Maddie (in red gradient) is holding up a Captain America shield.
marvel, podcast, TV Show Reviews

Loki Episode 4 Review

Sorceress Supreme Caroline and her apprentice Genn offer a speculative look into episode 4 of Loki, “The Nexus Event.” They bring in mythology and theories as they attempt to make sense of all the chaos within the episode. Also, is dating your alternate self as weird as it sounds... or have we reached a new… Continue reading Loki Episode 4 Review

Nerd Alert Girls logo with the silhouette of a female superhero with a red cape. Genn (in green gradient) is wearing a Spider-Man jacket. Bridgette (in purple gradient) is holding up an Infinity gauntlet with the stones in different colors. Maddie (in red gradient) is holding up a Captain America shield.
marvel, podcast, TV Show Reviews

Loki Episodes 1-3 Review

Loki Ep. 3: Lamentis Queer representation. Jedi mind tricks. Sympathetic Loki headcanons?! Caroline and Bridgette cover the highlights of Loki & Sylvie’s misadventures in Lamentis. We compare Loki’s persistently ambiguous characterization to Sylvie’s role as “Hyper-Competent Spoilsport Lady” that is so common among female characters. We also make fun of Loki’s terrible metaphors. And of… Continue reading Loki Episodes 1-3 Review