Movie reviews, star wars

Spoiler Free Review of The Last Jedi

It happened, y'all.  Star Wars: The Last Jedi dropped and I'm a bit of a mess.  Now, I'm going to be real with you: if you're expecting the groundbreaking, awe-inspiring, gravity-defying splendor that fans credit to The Empire Strikes Back, you're not going to find it because, well, who can live up to that?  No one.  I… Continue reading Spoiler Free Review of The Last Jedi

Book reviews, star wars

Book Review: Leia Princess of Alderaan

We all know Leia was the true badass Skywalker twin.  By the time she was nineteen, she was an accomplished Senator with a PhD and a leader of the Rebellion who could command a room of pilots without so much as standing on a soapbox.  However, in her book, Claudia Gray takes a deeper dive… Continue reading Book Review: Leia Princess of Alderaan